

tailored for you and your dog

Dog training for you and your dog

Pine Shadows offers in house training or you can schedule one appointment at a time. Whether you are looking to learn quartering, retrieving to hand, water work, socialization, collar and gun conditioning, general obedience, fetch training, placeboard work, OR steadying, Morgan will create a program tailored to you and your dog.  
Owner participation is strongly encouraged! A well trained dog with an uninformed owner will not create a strong team. Many training programs focus solely on training the dog and sending it home. Pine Shadows is dedicated to training the owners and teaching the next generation of dog handlers, so expect some “homework”. 

Training is $50/day or $1350 per month. All inclusive

Individual sessions are $50/session

Email Morgan

Looking for more?

Ongoing support is offered to all our training clients! Questions may arise, and we are here to help. The mindset that we are all continuing to learn is essential and encouraged.

Excellence runs
in the family

The training program at Pine Shadows is run by Morgan Haglin. He has a no nonsense approach and an amazing ability to understand what dogs are communicating. Having grown up at Pine Shadows, Morgan has been working with puppies since birth. The legacy of high-quality gun dogs continues on in Morgan‘s capable hands.
While Pine Shadows is an English Springer Spaniel breeding and training kennel, all breeds are welcome. Field champions, weekend warriors and recliner retrievers are celebrated alike.

Ready to upgrade your hunting experience?

Drop us a line and we'll be happy to answer any questions.

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